Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dragon Naturally Speaking

I ordered Dragon Naturally Speaking last Sunday and it came on Thursday! Wow, Amazon is awesome. Faster than I could ever be. I'm too lazy to walk down the hallway (okay everyone is still sleeping and I don't want to wake them!) to double check the exact name of the computer program, and it will still take longer for me to get around to do it than it took for the program to get here in the mail!
I am so excited to try it. But like I said, I will never be as quick as Amazon........I hope Monday I will get a chance to play with it. I hope.

I turned down a part time job this morning, working two days a week. I think I'm crazy. Or not. I'm already volunteering at the school every Friday - with another Mom volunteer yay company! - I teach Catechism, I help my mother-in-law out (she lives right next door and is absolutely wonderful for looking after my kids all these years, and more), I'll be homeschooling my sixteen year old, I sew, I WRITE, what time is left?

Don't forget I have four kids and a husband, none of whom know where the dishwasher is. Sad but true. Is it a portable one? Nope. It's been in the same spot for as long as we've had it AND my husband installed it. Memory bad with old age, dear? Hmmmph.

So I think I will take it easy on myself and say I've made the right decision. Although the new new job had these boots..........gorgeous boots......... beautiful leather boots that I could never afford without a staff discount.............stop trying to change  my mind!

No. I'm getting ready (getting them onto the computer so I can edit stage!) to put out two novels, one middle-grade(Zapped) and a young adult (White Magic), I'm almost ready for the A is for Applesauce and B is for Bubblegum in the Arthur and Zita picture book series, and I bought a drawing tablet to push my nephew a little harder (a lot harder pretty soon!) for the Teddy and I picture book series.

I'm really trying to focus on writing, turn that into my career. Wait, doesn't a career equal making money? Thought so. Well, I'm trying.

So one novel (most of it) was typed out by my  nephew's girlfriend - oh seriously thank you Clara - right Tina? Right? - who typed out in weeks what would have literally taken me years. That books dedicated to you Clara! Not that I'm releasing Tina from my clutches yet, or discounting what she's done so far. Cause without Tina............shudder.

The other novel will be my first attempt with the Dragon.

I'll be there Monday, Dragon, Monday - wait for me!

Have a great day everyone!

Any idea how to make time so down? Or make me move faster? Anyone?

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