Tuesday, August 12, 2014

writing conference for a week!

This is the second year I've gone to the PEI Writes writing conference. In the morning, we learn, in the afternoon we write.
Sounds simple enough, yes? It is. And it is also inspiring, productive and amazing week. I love it!
This year, we have people editing (should be me but nope), creating new projects or working on old projects.
I've decided to work on Survival Zone. Hopefully I will be able to get three quarters finished, maybe more! Probably less, but I'm working towards more.
This morning we learned about editing. Yes I have been to other workshops on editing, read books, blogs, googled lots about editing, but guess what? I learned more! Yay me! So after this week when I've written a chunk of Survival Zone, I will go back to editing Zapped and White Magic.
I have another idea I really want to work on, but I might finish these three projects, a few more picture books, at least a first draft of Blue Magic (I think, maybe Red) before I even touch my newest.
It's exciting to think about and dream about writing it. I think it will be a stand-alone book, no sequel, a horror. Look out Stephen King and Dean Koontz here I come! Of course it's possible to do a sequel if I end it this way - but - no, we'll have to wait and see. I suppose it will all depend on my mood....
Nope it depends on how the story will want to end.
Here I am on the blog, writing but I've already cleaned the supper mess, done a load of laundry. Yeah, yeah there's a thousand more things for me to do. Okay okay I'm finished!
Enjoy your day!
Oh, and if anyone wants to leave a comment feel free - I would love to know your opinion! Are horror books better with a sequel? Or does it depend on the book itself?
Enjoy the rest of the summer and Happy Old Home Week!

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